Sunday, January 13, 2013

Devastators and Black Lancers!

 Well, folks, I've been doing something!  Despite the lost computer (and by "lost", I mean down and usless)!

I started assembling heavy weapons earlier this week.  Finally used the crouching legs I'd been holding on to and learned that many heavy weapons really don't work well on Marines in crouching positions. I still managed to produce a heavy bolter, multimelta, and two lascannons, all on the crouching position.  Add to that some more standing heavy bolters, plasma cannons, lascannons, and pretty much every outstanding missile launcher I have and I managed to get 19 heavy weapons built!  Good for me!

So a window in our really crappy weather opened up a couple of days ago.  So I thought it was now or never (at least for a month or so).  So I got out there and whipped out the spray paint.  I ended up missing a couple of heavy bolters, so that brings me up to 17 heavy weapons primed.  And while it was on my mind, I whipped out a few old school tac squad jobbers and primed them, too.  I still need a couple more and a couple Sarges, but ultimately, it means this: my Seventh reserve company will soon have two full Devastator squads to help fill it out.  That means I'm two Tac Squads (which I have) and an Assault Squad (which I have the parts to assemble) away from a third full Company.  And the extra heavy weapons for other new Tac squads don't hurt either.  Maybe I'll just hold back four of them for the first Dev squad of my fourth Company.  Woot!

Lastly, I got around to painting my four Black Lancers.  I look at them and think that I could do a bit more here or there, but I'm pretty happy with them the way they are.  I still have to paint the Lancer Sarge, but at least he's already primed.  I may start on him once I'm done with those Dev squads.  Either way, these buys are pretty close to being a blip in my decade looking rear view mirror. 

I'm feeling pretty good.  Several things are getting done, slowly but surely.  Sometimes I get a little overwhelmed by how much I have to accomplish.  Sometimes I get a little down because I have no earthly idea when I'm ever going to get a chance to put them on a field.  But, in the end, I'm creating.  And that's what matters the most.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Hopes of a New Year!

After all these years, I am still naive.  I actually seem to think that I can get anything done during the holidays.  I was woefully mistaken.  Well, that's not entirely true.  I did get some painting done on the bikes, but other wise, I got nothing accomplished.  Poopy.


It's a new year!  Hope springs eternal with the thought of 360+ days to get some painting done.  So, let's choose not to look at what didn't get done.  Let's instead look at what could be accomplished!

Happy 2013 to you all and here's to painting and building!