Tuesday, June 16, 2009

And So, It Begins...

So I made a deal with my wife a few days ago. In theory, she is going to give me one hour every night when I'm not beholden to any chores, tasks, child care duties (we have a 10 week old girl), etc. and I'm going to give her the same. Since I play 40K (not so much lately for time/child related reasons), I try to paint. Therefore, I have resolved to use that hour most nights to paint.

This weblog is devoted to the fruits of my labors. The overarching theory is that each night when I paint, I'll try to have before and after pictures of everything I do. If I don't finish something, I'll photograph what I actually have accomplished. If I do, whoopie. Sometimes I'll talk about painting. Sometimes I'll talk about my Chapter. Sometimes, I'll talk about other related stuff such as campaigns, terrain and whatever else I think fits. I give you this caveat: I'm not a great painter or crafter. I'll never win a Golden Demon. My terrain doesn't look as photorealistic as possible. I don't even like basing thing though I do from time to time. If you're looking for tips from the pros, I'm not your guy. If you're looking for some motivation to paint your own stuff, that I might be able to provide. Remember, I'm just this guy, you know?

A little about my 40k over the years... I started out in 1998 with the release of 3rd Edition. Of course, I started with Space Marines since they were tough in combat and plentiful to acquire. Now, over a decade later, I've got over ten thousand points and I'm still playing. I've also got enough stuff sitting
around unassembled and unpainted to start a second robust Marine Army. So now that I have a child and my available cash has gone down to a trickle, I figure I'll put together my old stuff instead of going out and acquiring new stuff (unless, of course, the new stuff is really, REALLY COOL but that's another issue altogether). Besides, how else will I ever reach an entire Chapter if I just leave stuff sitting around? :)

And now that we have a mission statement, let's kick this puppy!

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