Monday, April 26, 2010

Terminator Saturday: Before and After

Alright. Saturday was a painting day for me. My wife was out of the house. My in-laws had taken my daughter to an event and I was to be alone for the entire afternoon.

I thought I might get a lot of things done on the paint table but it never quite works out that way, does it? After running a couple of errands and then fielding driving inquiries by various people, along with the typical everyday distractions, six free hours turned into two and a half to three.

As you can see, there is a before picture and an after picture. The primary accomplishment is that I got everything based coated in Blazing Orange and got the helmets and the fingers and a few details in UM Blue despite the hate affair I was having with both my paints and brushes. It's nothing wrong with them specifically (though my paints needed a bit of thinning). It was just a bad day. But painting was done so it wasn't that bad, I guess.

I am going to take a moment and make a gripe. So the Space Hulk Termies that I'm working on look like crap. At first I thought I was doing something wrong but that wasn't it. You see, I have a friend who bought a couple of Space Hulk sets. He didn't really like the termies that came with it so I traded him some older termies for a set of the Space Hulk ones. That's great except for one thing: he spraypainted them all white. And not lightly either. He totally oversprays all his minis in white. so I had to drop them all in Pine-Sol to get as much of the paint off as I could. So now they don't look right when I paint them because some of the finer detail is a little squishy from the stripping becuase they are a different quality of plastic than normal termies and not all the white paint came off so I had to spray over it. When I'm done with them, they'll be OK but they won't be great. What a shame, too. They're not perfect to begin with, but they are nice minis. They could have been so good...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Project Continues: Desert Highlighting

This post will be anemic, dear readers, primarily because I have no picture for it. So, a couple of days ago, I said I would paint some minis. Well, I lied to you all. I ended up drybrushing a little yellow on to the fortress body. It lightened the dull brown up a bit but I'm not sure if a camera would pick it up. Besides, the camera was away at the time so I didn't get pictures anyway. Sorry, loyal readers. It won't happen again (on purpose).

Saturday is going to be a painting afternoon, I think. I'll have the afternoon to do whatever. Here's the plan. Over the next couple of nights, I'm going to get out the Space Hulk Termies I want to finish and my Rhinos/Predators so I have them all at hand on Saturday. I want to finish the Termies and assemble the vehicles on Saturday. If I have any time left (fat chance!), I'm going to work on the Fortress. Whatever gets done, I promise to take lots of pictures.

Alright, we've got a man (me) and we've got a plan (see above). All we need now is a canal! Panama!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Project Continues: Desert Color

It's been a while, eh? A couple of weeks... Well, life sometimes gets in the way. And part of that life is sometimes not feeling the desire to paint. But the important thing is to get back to it when the urge hits.

I've spent so much time on the tower that I thought it was time to work on the rest of the structure. I want a desert look to the Fortress so that's what I went for. I drybrushed the decking with Boltgun, of course. I started the sides drybrushing on Codex Gray. I didn't like the look of any of the other GW browns (though, maybe I should have taken a look at Citadel Tausept Ochre) so I went out and got a bottle of Reaper Master Series Tanned Leather. Now that I've drybrushed that one, I'm not in love with the look. I think I'll highlight with something a little yellowish or maybe even Bleached Bone. That should do the trick.

For next time, I don't think I'm going to work on the Fortress. I think I'll work on some of the many minis waiting for some tender loving care. In the near future, I think I'm going to have another theme day. A long time back I had a Drednought day. I think soon I will have a Rhino Frame day. I've got at least two Rhinos and two Predators I have never assembled. I think it's time to get thos bad boys together. So what if I already have enough painted? When it comes to 40K, is there really such thing as enough?

Lastly, I'm looking forward to getting a couple Honored Imperium sets. Everybody bitches about the knees on the statue but you know what? They're supposed to be statues! Abstract and artistic representations of something! Not all statues are perfect and not all artists are good. So even with the wierd knees, looks good to me!