Friday, August 24, 2012

Rhino Frame and Top Plates

Holy crap!  Does this mean that I actually applied pigment to plastic?  Why, yes it does! 

So, I got one frame about 95% painted.  All I have to do is paint some chapter symbols and do a little highlighting.  I also drybrushed a top door so I can run it as a Rhino, and painted two weapon mount panels so I can run it as a Razorback, Whirlwind, or sponsonless Predator.  I think this weekend I will paint up my Whirlwind launchers and see if I can get another frame done.  Then I think I will be cooking with gas!  That would just leave me with, what, five more to paint?  One will be easy.  I have it doled up with bits to be a Veteran Rhino/Razorback.  Since my Veteran stuff is black, all I really have to do is paint appropriate black top plates so I can switch between the two, paint details and flair, and highlight.  Heck, with luck, I might even be able to squeeze that one in, too.

That, and it felt good to just paint again.  There have been a lot of things in my life that have kept me from doing it.  Even if I had the time, I've suffered from an overabundance problem.  I have more than enough painted to play almost any size game so it is difficult for me to get myself to paint more stuff.  That's why I have three or four speeders unpainted for almost a decade.  I already have 5 painted.  How many more do I need?  When I first started out, I decided I would acquire/paint enough so that I could field whatever gonzo type of army I wanted to field.  Of course, that was three editions and twelve (?) years ago.  I'm now a little short on some things (Vindicators) and quite long on others (Tac squads, Vet squads, Assault squads).  But as long as I have stuff, I'm going to paint.  I may take year long breaks, but painting never stops.  Not as far as I'm concerned.

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