Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Bit of Malaise

So I find myself in a strange place right now. I have a lot of stuff on my plate painting wise but I don't want to paint at the moment. I have all ten Space Hulk Termies to paint but at the beginning of December, I pulled out a whole bunch of Black Reach Termies I hadn't painted and did an assembly line job on them, painting 35 Termies over the course of three days. Right now, I am sick to death of Terminators. I did a little with some Sternguard but I haven't felt the desire to work on them. The five Vanguard Vets I made last week have been sprayed. I even put together a squad of Black Reach snap-fit Tac jobbers. But I just don't want to pick up the brush. I've had a couple opportunities to do so in the last few days but I just haven't. Here's hoping that changes and right soon. I've got so much sitting undone!

I was given a gift certificate for my birthday to a local game store and yesterday I picked up a pack of Vanguard Vets (though I immediately gave away the beakie [why does GW have to put a beakie in every set? And why don't I just get a Dremel so I can grind out the beakie head and put in another?]. I just don't like beakies.) and set to work on them. It's also my first time using JB Weld. I put the four of them together last night and then spent an hour trying to get them to stay together. Of course, now that it's done curing, I'm not even sure I'm physically capable of pulling the joins apart. When I finally put together the Thunderfire, I'm whipping it out again (though I think I'll let it thicken up a bit next time).

Hopefully, by next post I'll have something more than cluttered minis to show you!

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