Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sternguard Veterans

So I finally got down to brass tacks and painted something. At first I thought I did a half-ass job on them. Then I whipped out the other half of the squad that these guys are part of and realized that they're just as good. So I'm not going to worry about that.

As you can see in the background, I have some guys waiting to be done. Those are nine Vanguard Vets with jump packs and and two of my Space Hulk Termies. Alright, so in the greater scheme of things, I haven't gotten much done in the last few days. But I have gotten something done. Even if I feel a little bottlenecked because I have so much stuff staged and have gotten so little of it done, there is progress.

I may do something I haven't done in quite a while. I may paint a Tac squad! I've got one of my Black Reach ones sprayed. All I have to do is get in there and do it. I may try to practice some speed techniques. I mean, it's not like they're valuable minis so the worst I can do is a crappy job and strip them later or something.

Oh, yeah, it turns out that the tax refund coming my way is going to be quite substantial so, once some bills are out of the way, I see a Fortress of Redemption in my near future. But first, I have to move and figure out where I'm going to put my 40K stuff. Since the new place will be half the size of the old place, I may have to get rid of some of my foamcore terrain if I'm going to have room for stuff. Not a happy thought, but I've got duplicates of some things I can live without. Maybe if I pare it down a bit it'll be alright. We'll have a better idea next week, though.

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