Thursday, December 19, 2013

Honored Imperium Part 1

Holy mother of crap!  You guys forgot I existed, right?  I guess there's a certain amount of irony that my third post of 2013 is almost at the end of 2013...  Now that life has opened up some more time, it's time to paint!

So last night, I based an Honored Imperium I had sitting around gathering dust.  Tonight, I painted the Broken Aquila.  I figured it gave me time to decide how I want to do the statue.  I've thought about good old fashioned gray stone, but I've also had another idea.  We know that most statues in antiquity weren't bare gray stone, but rather painted in bright colors to be eye catching.  I'm thinking about doing something similar: gray stone, but paint parts in bright colors to make it look as if it had been painted.  Maybe the shoulder pads and the shield and the blade?  The chest should definitely be gold.  I'll think about it.  I don't think I can get to it for a couple of days so I have time.

I do have one bit of awesome to report, though.  So I ended up in contact with a guy who plays Eldar, but somehow ended up with a MKI Land Raider.  So I'm trading him some Eldar stuff I've picked up (I'm working on an ally force, you know) that I don't want, namely some Dire Avengers (which I would like, but are worth trading) and a wraithlord (which I totally won't use!) and I'm going to throw in some Guardians, too.  What a bargain for me!  He's already posted it and I'll have his stuff off in a couple of days.  Doubleplus good!  I don't really field Land Raiders, but I can't not have one of those old beauties!

Get back to you in a couple of days...

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