Friday, August 7, 2009

Even More Terminators

Last night I took the evening off from painting, only putting away the Lightning Claws I just finished. Checking through my Termies, I realized that I only have three Lightning Claws, meaning I need two more to finish a squad of ten. More disturbing is the realization that I have 54 painted Terminators of various types and four HQs in Termie Armor for a grand total of 58 painted Terminator models. What on earth does one do with that many Terminators? And what about the 30 more that I have sitting waiting for paint, assembly or whatever state they're in? Eighty-eight Terminators? When I stopped acquiring terminators, I figured that I have a couple of Veteran squads already with plans to make more so 75 Termies with Veterans would make a good First Company. On the other hand, since I have 88 Termies, now I'm thinking why not just get the 12 remaining and have an entire Terminator Company? Sure, fluff doesn't support it since only the most ancient Chapters have entire Terminator Companies (I'm looking at you, Dark Angels) but at this point, why the heck not? Astramalleus fluff already has the first squad of Battle Companies being Veteran Squads of one form or another. Why the hell not?

Oh, and one last thing, I cannot field and entire 3K Planetstrike force in Terminators. I need to paint five more normal Terminators and one with an Assault Cannon or Cyclone Missile Launcher to acheive that...

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