Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Packing up and moving

So I've been a little less pursuant with my painting the last week or so because I've been packing for a move. On one level, it's disappointing because I had a large space in my soon-to-be old place for playing, painting, keeping terrain and all that. On the other hand, during the summer, it's too hot to use for just about anything, even with fans. All in all, a minor disappointment, but only minor.

I've packed up about half my terrain and, with luck, I'll pack up the rest tonight. It's not going in storage because my friend who started with IG has no terrain so it's perfect. He has a place to play and no terrain. I have terrain, but no place to play. Win-win, I'd say.

I've also forgotten how much stuff I really have. But fear not, loyal friends! I'm taking some things with me so I'll be painting again after the weekend. If I'm lucky, I may even get to start sooner. I've got a Veteran squad to finish and a Devastator Squad to start!

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