Thursday, August 6, 2009

Assault Terminators

Well, wow... How long has it been since I actually painted a miniature (as opposed to a vehicle or building)? So now I have 5 more Lightning Claw Terminators. I think I have four or five already so I'm close to or now at a full ten man squad. I also think this brings me up to 45 or 50 Terminators painted. When I pulled the unpainted ones out, I found that I had a done one in with them. I was probably using it as my reminder guide and forgot to put it back with the others.

I wonder if someone would like to play Planetstrike? I can field almost 3K in Terminators... Guess I'll have to throw in a couple Dreds to round out the points.

What will I work on next? Your guess is as good as mine. I'm a little tired of terrain at the moment and I have vehicles and Terminators I could work on. Then, of course, I have at least 6 Tac squads and a Dev squad that I've never even touched. Maybe it's time for me to work on Termies, fill out their company with Veteran Squads (I have a couple already but I may use a couple Tac Squads I still have in boxes, sprinkle bits liberally and voila) to finish out my First Company and then assemble the rest of the Tac and Dev squads and see if I can finish out a Third Company. It also occurs to me that if I get to the point where I can field three comapnies, I may just quit acquiring troops and restrict myself to vehicles and support units. Or maybe not.

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