Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Even More Fortress of Redemption

Alright, I have to tell you all a secret. I have been pro- crastinating. It isn't an active thing, but I've known for days that I've been doing it. Over the weekend I was afraid it would rain but I was wrong and I totally got this bad boy sprayed. But since then I've been stalled. Why? because I'm still debating how I want to paint it and am a little reticent to start work until I know. This is bad because I could have started on the tower already because I totally know how I'm going to paint it: Ultra Blue for the cloak, silver sword blade, electric blue sash/banner, and wings drybrushed first white then electric blue and then a highlighted with bleached bone and more white. The big debate is how will I do the rest of it? I could go bright and use white walls and electric blue supports. I could go dark and use fortress gray walls and boltgun supports. Just last night, I started thinking about a desert motif with snakebite/bleached bone walls. I just don't quite know and I'm afraid I'll have a little buyer's remorse if I'm not happy with my choice. I guess the moral to this story is to man up, do something and quit dithering about the little stuff. Just do it! I know better than anyone that if I don't like it, I can always paint it again!

And that is my moral for all of you today. Don't think too hard about your paint job or you'll end up paralyzed like me. Paint! The worst that can happen is you have to strip it and paint it again!

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