Saturday, July 25, 2009

Aquila Wreckage

Wow! It feels like forever! Well, alright, not quite forever but it's been a while. Definitely longer than I intended or would like. In theory I'm doing this every day or every other day. However, this has been a few days from heck so you get back to things when you can.

My accomplishment has been a small one. I took seven Macragge Aquila terrain pieces and drybrushed the ever loving crap out of them white. Two of them are left over from an old set of then I had. The rest I acquired a couple of years ago. I'll probably paint the two older ones to match the other ones I have in black and green. The newer ones though, I'm thinking about doing them in a much lighter scheme. In fact, I'm thinking about painting them white with light blue detailing. That might look really neat. As for the ground they're crashed in, I've decided to paint it up in desert colors to go along with my goal of having a more robust desert set.

Once again, the goal is not to accomplish a lot. It's to do a little bit each day. And finally, after a bad few days, I'm back on track.

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