Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Half-Painted Walls

Well, I'm halfway to my previously stated short term goal for the week. Last night I whipped out a bottle of paint and a foam brush and painted the front sides of those five walls of mine. Now they taunt me less with their reflective whiteness. Tonight I hope to get to the back sides of them and maybe do another once over on the fronts. The foam brush covers quickly and well, but you have to wait for paint to completely dry before you can go over it again or it streaks badly or, even worse, wears off and leaves big white sections showing through. Hopefully, by the weekend, I'll have these done and will have started the bastions.

I've run into a minor pickle. You see, I have another painting project I'm doing for a friend of mine. It's not 40K related but it's something I want to focus on and devote time to. Basically, I'm not sure whether I should put the work in progress here or not. Give me a couple of days to think about it.

I think when I've made my desert bastions and acquired and painted boards, I'm going to to arrange a battle with friends at my house. The entire point of building all this terrain and table acquisition is to be able to play more battles at home. I've always wanted to but I've never really had the space to do so. Now I do but it's space that's...environmentally challenged in that it's too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter to really use. I may have to plan a day in the fall that's good enough but considering the weather here in fall, that'll still be rough and too hot. But darn-it-all, I want to play in my own home and I will come hell or high water!

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