Thursday, July 2, 2009

Whirlwind Launcher

Whirlwind launcherLast night was kinda hectic for a number of reasons. I only really had time to build the launcher for Whirlwind #2, cut off the plate and glue together the top doors for Whirlwind #1. Not too much accomplished, right? Actually, I'm quite satisfied. This is the ultimate goal. I'm not trying to complete everything I have within a time frame. The goal is to make sure I do a little something every day. Well, this isn't much, but it's something. Besides, if I really had to, I could just paint up the launcher and then put it in the Razorback I just finished instead of the lazcannons. I could run four Whirlwinds that way without putting together another thing.

What I really need are tables. I have this big space in my current house that I could play games in if I just had tables to play them on. Unfortunately, I don't have money to go out and buy them right now. This is especially tragic because a little while back, I had the money but not the space. What I also want to do is take a page from the Realms of Battle board. I kinda like that way it's made and the entire set of boards, while a little expensive and skull-covered for my liking, is worth it for what you get, but why spend $300 on a board with 6 panels when you can buy 2'x2' sections of birch or some other hard wood for $4-8 apiece and then paint them/terrain them anyway you want? I plan (once I have tables) to buy 20 boards, paint each one of them a different color on each side (either green, tan, gray, white or black) and then I'll have eight of any one color or I can combine different colors for different surfaces (plains on the outskirts of town, desert at the edge of a paved base, etc.) and, with cheap paint, will cost less than $150. Or, maybe, I start small with six for $40ish and add a few new ones each month. That beats $300 with a stick. Of course, maybe I should get some tables first...

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